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Dr. Ahmed Fatima Kzzo war im Frühjahrssemester 2021 der erste ZAZH-Stipendiat. Er hat in Zürich an seinem Postdoc-Projekt zu Rollsiegeln aus Ebla (Syrien) gearbeitet.
I was awarded the first scholarship from ZAZH – Zentrum Altertumswissenschaften Zürich between February and June 2021. I was hosted by the Department of the Religious Studies.
My research, in the University of Zurich, focused on the cylinder seals from Ebla during the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600 BC). During my scholarship, I developed the monograph which should contain around 70 cylinder seals recovered in Ebla of the Middle Bronze Age. A half of these cylinder seals is not published.
Work at ZAZH
Research on cylinder seals from Ebla in the Middle Bronze Age.
Online course, “Archaeology, Museums and Identities in the Middle East” from April 12, 2021 to July 23, 2021.The course is open to UZH students. Registration
Ahmed Fatima Kzzo is giving a talk on "Aleppo before the War. A Project to Archive Inscriptions dated to Ottoman Period in Aleppo Region" at ICAANE 12 (International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East) at April 7th.
Research interests
Ancient Near Eastern glyptic
history of ancient Near Eastern studies
cultural heritage
cultural identities
Work experience
2020: Fellow at Columbia Global Center Amman (Columbia University).
2019: Researcher at University of Rome “Sapienza” in AANE Project (Atlas of the Ancient Near East).
2017-2019: Post-doc at the Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Bern University (Switzerland).
2015–2017: Teaching assistant (Cultore della Materia) at University of Rome “Sapienza”.
2014: Research Collaborator at University of Rome "Sapienza".
Publication list (PDF, 106 KB)
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