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ZAZH – Zentrum Altertumswissenschaften Zürich

Gastprofessorin 2022

Foto Giulia Bonasio

Prof. Dr. Giulia Bonasio, Assistant Professor für Antike Philosophie am Departement of Classics and Ancient History an der Durham University, bekleidet im Herbstsemester 2022 die ZAZH-Gastprofessur (Junior). Zugleich ist sie als Senior Fellow am Collegium Helveticum.



From September to December, I have been ZAZH Gastprofessur (Junior). Without doubts, I can say that this period as ZAZH Gastprofessur has been one of the most enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. As member of the ZAZH – Center for the Study of the Ancient World, I was located in the beautiful building of the Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie (SGLP) at the University of Zürich. At the same time, I was also a Senior Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum. I felt very honoured to be part of the ZAZH: when I received the invitation, I had been in Durham for not even a year and I was not sure whether I was ready to move to another place, even for a short period of time. Now, after four months in Zürich, I am extremely glad that I accepted the invitation. These months have been not only very productive for my research, but I had occasions to present my research to a wider audience and to build collaborations with colleagues in ancient studies as well as in other fields. I shared the commitment of the ZAZH to make ancient ideas and ancient texts accessible to a broader audience and to foster an inclusive approach to ancient studies: I witnessed the fundamental work that the ZAZH is doing in Zürich in academia as well as for high-school students and for the general public to make ancient texts and ideas available to everyone. I think that ancient studies are a resource that can help us understand ourselves and human relations in a better way, and we have a duty to offer this experience to as many people as possible. As part of the ZAZH, I engaged in many outreach activities such as a public lecture and a lecture to high-school students.



Contemplation and Virtue in Aristotle and the Reception in Europe (322h010a)

Giulia Bonasio (
Mo 14:00 – 15:45

Weitere Informationen (inkl. Kommentare) im VVZ der UZH


Activities at the Collegium Helveticum

Workshop Wisdom. What is it? What is its use (if any)? (15. November 2022, 9 bis 19 Uhr, Schmelzbergstrasse 25, 8092 Zürich)

Presentations on Knowledge and Wisdom:  "What is the role of wisdom in good human lives?” (20. Oktober 2022, 16 bis 17 Uhr)


Activities at ZAZH

ZAZH-Lecture Aristotle's Good Life and European Identities (28. September 2022, 18.15 Uhr, RAA-G-01)

Mitwirkung als Expertin am Ferienkurs Griechisch Der Mensch zwischen Allmacht und Ohnmacht. Griechische Gedanken für heute


Research Interests

Ancient Philosophy, Ethics, Moral Psychology, History of Philosophy, Greek lyric poetry, Greek tragedy, Aesthetics 


Positions and Research Fellowships

Since January 2021 Assistant Professor in Classics (Ancient Philosophy) at Durham University

July 2019 - December 2020 Faculty Fellow at the University King's College, Halifax

January 2019 - May 2019  Lecturer in Classics at Dalhousie University, Halifax

September 2017 - December 2018 Preceptorship in Contemporary Civilizations — Core Curriculum at Columbia University

September 2012 - February 2019 PhD in Classical Studies at Columbia University

2016 DAAD Fellowship at Munich School for Ancient Philosophy



"Complete virtue," in G. di Basilio (ed.), Investigating the relation between Aristotle's Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics (Routledge, forthcoming 2022).

“The pleasure thesis in the Eudemian Ethics,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, (forth- coming 2022).

“Natural goods in the Eudemian Ethics,” Ancient Philosophy, 41(1), 2021, 123-142.

 “Kalokagathia and the unity of the virtues in the Eudemian Ethics: the kalos kagathos.”

APEIRON, Volume 53, Issue 1, 2020, 27-57.

“Pleasure and motivation in the Eudemian Ethics” in Proceedings of the Aristotle World

Congress in Thessaloniki: Aristotle 2400 Years, D. Sfendoni-Mentzou (ed.), September 2019.

“Beyond the flammantia moenia mundi. The transgressive notion of the sublime in Lucretius’ De rerum natura,” Journal of the LUCAS graduate conference, Leiden, February 2016.

“Passions tragiques : la piti ́e et la crainte par rapport `a la catharsis en Aristote,” Proceedings of the conference: Passions : transports, sublimation, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, France, 2014.

Cf. Personal Website Prof. Dr. Giulia Bonasio

Weiterführende Informationen

Prof. Dr. Giulia Bonasio

ZAZH-Gastprofessorin (Junior)

Rämistrasse 68

Büro RAG-U-105

8001 Zürich

Workshop mit Giulia Bonasio